Here are my map  Ideas,  I have had ideas about which I can use for my Final Major Project and lots of ideas was coming to my mind and, I just kept putting the ideas that kept on coming into my mind and I just wrote them down.

The ideas that I am going to do for my FMP and the idea that I am going to use is going to be a making a film on the college life, also I was thinking that I am going to use some pics that I am going to take of the Media college and the Art college.

Yea that would look good onto my film that I am going to make it.

Here is my Timetable Management Schedule, and with this it could help me with my FMP and I could looked back at the timetable just to see that when I am free and when I am not free.

Here is my book that I wrote down some ideas that I had for my Final Major Project.
Here is my complete my timetable management and it is for me  easy to follow.


  1. You planned this well and you followed that plan, taking into account any problems like reshoots etc.


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