Location Recce

These are my location Recce Images that I have took and the camera setting was on Programmer, RAW, the ISO was on 400 and the F stop was on 3.5 

Before I took the picture of the students and I asked permission from the staff of the library, also I asked the students the permission that could I have your permission that I can take your pics and they said its alright.

When  I am going to film into the library, my colour on the video won't be good because the colour in the library is yellow. 

This is the location that I have chosen and because it is the library, the students come in and they study on the computer and as I can see in the picture there are a two students on the computer and they are doing the work and behind the two students, there are two girls on the coaches and they are just chilling.

I might use the library in my film. 

The students use the computer for their work and the library is where the students can go to the library and they can work and use the library as a quite study time .
The camera setting was on Programmer, ISO was on 400 and it was on RAW, the F stop was 3.5

Before  I took   a picture of the boys and I asked them for their permission, the two students are doing the work on the computer. The   camera setting that I have used for this picture was on Programmer, the ISO was on 400 and the Picture setting was on raw and the F4.0.

Here is a picture of the computer that I have take  this picture is in the library and the students use the computers for their work.

The setting that I have used for this picture and the camera setting was on Programmer, the picture setting was on raw and the ISO was on 400 and the f stop was on 4.0

The two girls are chilling on the couches the girls are talking to each other.

The camera setting that I have used to take picture is that I have used programmer, the ISO was on 400 and the f stop   was  on F3.5

I just took the picture without asking the permission from the students because they were busy and I know that I should asked permission form the students before I took the picture...

The camera setting was on programmer, the ISO was on 400 and the f stop was on 4.,0.



  1. More images of the locations you used are needed. Think also of H and S reasons; Sound and lighting and filming in a public space.

  2. Parras, where is the rest of your pre-production?; release forms etc


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