pictures that l took

I have got the pictures on the SD card, I am going to upload the pictures that I have took while I was at college.

I took this picture from the back of the canteen, and students at break time can go in here and they can play snooker, also they can chill and watch their mates playing snooker each other.

This is the next to the canteen and  at lunch time this place is fill up with students, also the back of the canteen is just a place where the students can go to chill. 

This is the students finance area took the picture because I like the colour in the picture.

Students can come here for their travel arrangements.

Students Finance   can help you with your college bus pass also you can get the food vouchers, the angle of the picture because I like how setting of the student finance is set up.  

This is a computer room where students come in and they do their work on the computer.

I like the angle of the picture because, while I took the picture and I took the picture straight. 

I took this picture, when I have finish college and this is the beginning of the film where I am going to start of the film.

The reason that I took this picture is because  the outside of the college good and it also has a clear picture for the film that I am going to make it.

The reason that I took this picture is because I want the new generation students to known where is the prayer room and the prayer room is next to the student university.  

This is the students university and this in the basement and if the new students generation walk at the left and they would see a red door and on the red door there is prayer room.

If the new generation students feel hot and in the prayer room they can open the window and let the fresh air come in.


  1. some great images of your location recess. remember to think if lighting/sound./working in a public space will hold you back at all filming.


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