Proposal College life.

I have chosen to do a short film on college life because I want to show to the next generation of students that might come to New College Nottingham Adams what they achieve and what they can learn.  While I was on this course I have made a lot of videos including a short film and this has inspired me to make my own about college life as this part of the course that I have enjoyed the most.

I will make short film about college life, the equipment that I am going to use it and it’s going to be a hand held camera and I am going to use black and white, also I am going to use a tripod for the camera.


I want my short film to look like a documentary style and also a personal style.  I am going to do some Initial research into different documentary styles and how the directors have chosen the theme. The look I am going is going to be brightly lit personal interview.

I have seen the film College Life Atlanta and it’s about a college boy who wants to get a good grade.

Here is a screen shot from the film and this is the style that I am going for, even though this is not a short film or a documentary.

I am going to do some  initial research into short film documentary making  and college life, I will be creating  initial ideas and also I will produce a  survey money questionnaire, I will asks students questions such as  how did you enjoy your life while at college.

After I have finished my initial research then I will be doing the work on the pre-production. This will involve Performer/contributer release forms, I will need storyboard to help me with the short film, and I will go around college and take pics of the location sheet and I don’t know which location I will be using, also I will need a contract sheet, a contract sheet is where I am going to ask people that when you are going to be free and when you are not going to be free, also I will need their mobile phone numbers.

I will need Location Recce sheet, because when I start on my video and I will need to go downstairs and take some pics of the location that I am going to use it.

 Also I will need a call sheet and in that call sheet in that call sheet I will be the director and the camera man of my own film.

I understand the process of the pre-production paper, a pre- production is that when I am going to complete all pre-production paper and then I will start on my short film.


A pre-production is a film or broadcast programme, before full-scale production begins before a director makes his films.

I will organise; export my short film as a HDV and then I will put my short film onto my hard drive, I will then play my short film onto the big screen so everyone can see it.

Here is my screen shot the schedule that I am going to undertake while doing the work.


  1. All your planning paid off and you produced a very good video. You have planned it well and with what could go wrong etc. well done


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