evaluation for college life


For this project our teachers had given 4 options to choose from which were video production, graphics, photography and Games Design were. These options where then split into sub categories. I decided to choose Video production which was split into a further 5 sub categories which were Short film, advert, trailer, experimental piece and self-portrait. My interest was in short film which is what I chose as my final major project.
 During my first stages of the project I had many ideas that were floating around in my mind. I was brainstorming many ideas of which were
 My initial research is reflected in my blogger where I have taken pictures of students in college life for example technology plays an important role for the young generation- I took pictures of the computer suit with students using computers. I continued to take further pictures of the canteen and science lab which allowed the students looking at these pictures to imagine themselves chilling and enjoying their time at this college. Furthermore the pictures of the science lab allowed young students becoming successful people in the future.
 I was given approximately 2 months to complete the short film. This would start from 30/04/2017 to 15/07/2017. I had put together a timetable for my proposal which was the completed short film about college life.

My own experience of taking pictures and making film was very helpful. During my media course my teachers helped to understand different functions of the camera and video camera. My perseverance and help my teachers helped to complete this project. Some functions on the apparatus that I was using would be confusing to understand for example if I had a picture or shot in my mind that I wanted the audience to feel and share. This effect would sometimes be hard to achieve. But with help from teachers, colleagues and my own research I was able to produce quality shots and pictures for my short film.
I researched


The option for choosing this short film was largely based on my audience. This is because of the location being in the town centre of Nottingham it was a popular and sought after place to study by the young generation whom would look at coming to study after their school period. My audience is students so it was my ideal project. The majority of students coming to study in or around the city centre would either be moving locally or thinking of living locally in order to study at colleges and universities in Nottingham. NCN was very popular college for media, television, fashion and art courses and qualifications.
 I chose to read the college prospectus , I also went on line to see where the college was demographically placed, I also went on the internet and read what courses student like in video production, graphics, photography and Games Design, science. Many have recommended this college via the internet and word of mouth through people whom I also know as friends and family friends.
My short film will appeal to students looking for a good quality of college life as a student enjoying their time at the college while studying at NCN which is clearly reflected in my short film. This is important because if someone has seen my short film and chooses to study at NCN it will be a great achievement because while I was making this short film that was my ultimate goal. For someone to join the college and experience the good time that I have also experienced at NCN College.

Production 300

When producing my work I had a few options to choose from fpr example during my brain storming I wanted to complete a project that would reflect my idea. For example if I had made a short film production BBC Radio Nottingham’s big day out my – I would have had to think about location, general’s public opinion. Getting to the venue, making preparations and to use the correct equipment. This option entailed more preparation, whereas making the film within the college was an ideal location and the short film was about my opinion of the college.
I used different equipment while I produced my work for example I took different pictures of the college where there was a good deal of natural light. I wanted natural light as it gives pictures a fresh and natural look. The college has a historic outlook from the outside of the college which gave the college building more character and the natural light helped what I wanted my pictures to achieve. While taking these pictures I used a Pentax K-30 and the school college camera. On the camera I checked ISO, setting in the manual of their camera, F-stop. When I used the camera I made sure the s.d card is within the camera, choosing the correct function for the lighting.
I took many pictures of the college at different locations for example the canteen while students are playing snooker, angled shots of the canteen , empty finance area , pictures of reception with receptionist, computer room, front of the college, prayer room .I also made a short film of the college and later edited and added the p[pictures I had taken.
I experimented with the camera taking pictures with different lighting, changing iso, changing different functions on the camera and taking pictures. Comparing pictures with the different effects. During editing I learned how to use Abdobe Premier CC, adding pictures, adding effects, adding sound tracks and recording voices including my own. I persevered with interest and tried to edit my pictures and short films I made with the technology that was available to me. I improved by learning different aspects of editing and adding sound and using different effects during the short film I edited on Abode premiere CC.


I am very satisfied about my end result of the project because I gave it all my attention. Sometimes it was hard to get good natural light so I sometimes would pre plan, i.e. check outside weather. On a sunny day the pictures would come out be better and refreshing.
If I would do this project differently I would like to work in a team. I may- be would have chosen a different project or subject. I loved to work independently as this gave me time to reflect on what I had produced and grave the opportunity to make changes that entailed making my own decision.
By following my proposal I kept to my schedule and proposal. I accessed my schedule and proposal on my personal phone, this way it was easily accessible. I have used my time well and I have utilised everyone’s advice, my own opinion and have took great pleasure in learning different skills in media that has allowed me to produce work that I can be proud of. My teachers have been very understanding and have allowed me to progress an s a young adult at the same time teaching in valuable skills that will also help me later in life. I will not forget this time at college because it has been a great pleasure to have made friends and met caring and giving teachers. Because of the teachers and my own perseverance I don’t think that what I have produced can be any better.

Per Feedback


I Found it really good, it showed College well, and I liked hearing people opinions on the course.
I like the titles and what people did afterwards.

I found it really good, it showed everyone's opinions and none of the students were not scared to talk in the front of the camera.


This was a really enjoyable video, it's a reminder to everyone in my class of the great college year on the level 2 media.


Well done I found it really good.


I really enjoyed the video as it reminder me of when I first joined the level 2 media.

By looking at the feedback that I have got from the people, I liked it because I am happy with the feedback from the people that have watched my video.

In the video that I have made and I have include everyone in the films because they are my best


  1. That is lovely to read Parras. You have learnt so much and this shows via your FMP. You worked so hard and took everything onboard, producing an excellent video. Well done.


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