peer feedback


I Found it really good, it showed College well, and I liked hearing people opinions on the course.
I like the titles and what people did afterwards.

I found it really good, it showed everyone's opinions and none of the students were not scared to talk in the front of the camera.


This was a really enjoyable video, it's a reminder to everyone in my class of the great college year on the level 2 media.


Well done I found it really good.


I really enjoyed the video as it reminder me of when I first joined the level 2 media.

By looking at the feedback that I have got from the people, I liked it because I am happy with the feedback from the people that have watched my video.

In the video that I have made and I have include everyone in the films because they are my best friends.


  1. Really positive feedback. Well done Parras. Proud of you.


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