
ULA PIcture


Step by step Images.

      Here is my screen shot of the spilt screen that I have done on the Adobe Premiere CC, and I Clicked on the first, then I went on the effect control after when I went onto the control effects, I moved the scale to the left to make the spilt screen, the spilt screen was so easy and I have learned a new  technique how to make a spilt screen.   I did sue dipped to black in some of the videos, so that when the screen moves and it will go onto the next screen. I have used the same technique on the videos, I moved the two videos up, then I went onto the control effects, I moved the Scale to the left and this is how I have got the spilt screen on the two videos.           Here is a screen shot of the Control effects and on the control Effects I have used the Scale to make the spilt screen.          


Here is my Presentation  I  have created on my power point, also on the last side of the power point I have put my FMP film on the power  point.   When I was doing my Present in front of everyone, I felt good and I was confined while I was doing my present.  


Here is my FMP project that I have created.... Here is my screen shot of the FMP that I have upload it on the YouTube .com.

peer feedback

Sarah I Found it really good, it showed College well, and I liked hearing people opinions on the course. I like the titles and what people did afterwards. Brooke I found it really good, it showed everyone's opinions and none of the students were not scared to talk in the front of the camera. Isaac This was a really enjoyable video, it's a reminder to everyone in my class of the great college year on the level 2 media. Joe Well done I found it really good. David I really enjoyed the video as it reminder me of when I first joined the level 2 media. By looking at the feedback that I have got from the people, I liked it because I am happy with the feedback from the people that have watched my video. In the video that I have made and I have include everyone in the films because they are my best friends.

evaluation for college life

FINAL MAJOR PROJECT EVALUATION GUIDANCE SHEET For this project our teachers had given 4 options to choose from which were video production, graphics, photography and Games Design were. These options where then split into sub categories. I decided to choose Video production which was split into a further 5 sub categories which were Short film, advert, trailer, experimental piece and self-portrait. My interest was in short film which is what I chose as my final major project.  During my first stages of the project I had many ideas that were floating around in my mind. I was brainstorming many ideas of which were  My initial research is reflected in my blogger where I have taken pictures of students in college life for example technology plays an important role for the young generation- I took pictures of the computer suit with students using computers. I continued to take further pictures of the canteen and science lab which allowed the students looking at these pictures to imag