
Showing posts from April, 2017

pictures that l took

I have got the pictures on the SD card, I am going to upload the pictures that I have took while I was at college. I took this picture from the back of the canteen, and students at break time can go in here and they can play snooker, also they can chill and watch their mates playing snooker each other.  This is the next to the canteen and  at lunch time this place is fill up with students, also the back of the canteen is just a place where the students can go to chill.  This is the students finance area took the picture because I like the colour in the picture. Students can come here for their travel arrangements. Students Finance   can help you with your college bus pass also you can get the food vouchers, the angle of the picture because I like how setting of the student finance is set up.   This is a computer room where students come in and they do their work on the computer. I like the angle of the picture because, while I took the pi

Location Recce

These are my location Recce Images that I have took and the camera setting was on Programmer, RAW, the ISO was on 400 and the F stop was on 3.5  Before I took the picture of the students and I asked permission from the staff of the library, also I asked the students the permission that could I have your permission that I can take your pics and they said its alright. When  I am going to film into the library, my colour on the video won't be good because the colour in the library is yellow.  This is the location that I have chosen and because it is the library, the students come in and they study on the computer and as I can see in the picture there are a two students on the computer and they are doing the work and behind the two students, there are two girls on the coaches and they are just chilling. I might use the library in my film.  The students use the computer for their work and the library is where the students can go to the library a

Primary Research surveymonkey results

when I went on to the survey monkey, I clicked on the analyse results , I did get some good results, I was very happy with the results that I have got.

Initial resarch Secondary Research

I will be doing initial research on short film, short film documentary. I will be looking into the same category of the college life.  Also I will be looking at YouTube videos of college life. I will be making my own short film about college life.  I looked at some videos of college life , below is a  screen shot. This is the outside of the computers room . The model introduces the computer room and says  'come and I will show you the computer room. ' The  camera person films the computer room, the presenter is in  the shot and two other males are sat at their computers . This is a screen shot of The college life Documentary part 1 and the guy who is making the documentary and he goes into the computer room and he does a tutor on the Mac Computer and also he shows the people who works on the computer. I will use the computer screen on my short film because a computer reflect modern technology makes the campus appear as a  successful college. People s

Proposal College life.

I have chosen to do a short film on college life because I want to show to the next generation of students that might come to New College Nottingham Adams what they achieve and what they can learn.   While I was on this course I have made a lot of videos including a short film and this has inspired me to make my own about college life as this part of the course that I have enjoyed the most. I will make short film about college life, the equipment that I am going to use it and it’s going to be a hand held camera and I am going to use black and white, also I am going to use a tripod for the camera.   I want my short film to look like a documentary style and also a personal style.   I am going to do some Initial research into different documentary styles and how the directors have chosen the theme. The look I am going is going to be brightly lit personal interview. I have seen the film College Life Atlanta and it’s about a college boy who wants to get a good grade. Here i


  I have created a Brainstorms and on that Brainstorm I have put so many ideas that kept coming to my mind.

Media Schedule

Here is my schedule that I have created on the Excel wordbook, it was also easy  for me to use because it allowed me to create the timetable.


Here are my map  Ideas,  I have had ideas about which I can use for my Final Major Project and lots of ideas was coming to my mind and, I just kept putting the ideas that kept on coming into my mind and I just wrote them down. The ideas that I am going to do for my FMP and the idea that I am going to use is going to be a making a film on the college life, also I was thinking that I am going to use some pics that I am going to take of the Media college and the Art college. Yea that would look good onto my film that I am going to make it. Here is my Timetable Management Schedule, and with this it could help me with my FMP and I could looked back at the timetable just to see that when I am free and when I am not free. Here is my book that I wrote down some ideas that I had for my Final Major Project. Here is my complete my timetable management and it is for me  easy to follow.